The Purge

On the barest of pretexts, everything Constitutional, Christian, and Caucasian is being purged from the US. The government and media are complicit in this coup, this treason, and those three Cs listed here are now enemies of the state.

The Infiltration of the World

how to destroy the west

how to destroy the west

There can be no doubt any longer that pretty much every major institution in the world, whether countries, companies, churches, or the internet, is being corrupted and controlled by dark forces. One recent article exposes pervasive internet trolling; another exposes government’s intimidation of influential websites to hand over personal information about people who comment on their articles.; there is growing suspicion in popular conspiracy forums that “shills” continually steer conversations to push various narratives.

For example, the US has become so disgusted with its own government and so enamored of collectivist ideology that communism seems an improvement, and the current premier of Russia is seen as a strong and patriotic leader compared to the pushover leaders in the major western governments. This is not by accident; it has long been then plan of communist forces to subvert the west (see HereHere, and Here), first by eroding its moral fiber and especially the Christian faith (done largely through education and entertainment), and then by carefully placing collectivist politicians in strategic government posts. So the irony is lost on most people: that the very forces which have been helping to cause the demise of the west are seen as the ones who will save the world from TPTB (“the powers that be”).

People are easily swayed if they have been poorly educated, have grown up in disfunctional families, and have learned to mock morality and especially Christianity. The goal was the destruction of western civilzation, and the means were identified long ago. We can now see the plan coming to fruition, the weeds having choked out the crop of freedom from within. As according to the ancient Sun Tsu Art of War, the enemy had to have its will to fight destroyed so that not a single shot need be fired. Most people only concern themselves with their daily lives, and will not be moved to protect their way of life until it is too late to defend it. Revolutions require only a small percentage of highly motivated leaders, but in our world of pervasive high-tech espionage, it is nearly impossible to mount a global resistance.

Of course, it isn’t just communism that has had these goals or strategies. There is a multi-generational evil which has long desired to rule and enslave the world, and its methods have never changed: deception, corruption, and supernatural cunning and patience. People are all too willing to trade freedom for what they are promised is security, too eager to throw off the constraints of morality, too quick to forget history, and too self-absorbed to care about what’s happening in the world, In fact, the few who shout warnings about what they see coming have always been ridiculed and silenced as “conspiracy nuts” and “fearmongers”. This is, of course, all according to plan.

A supernatural cause requires a supernatural cure. For the present, such a cure must be requested on a personal basis, but soon it will come by force upon the whole world, and this is typically called “Judgment Day”. It is coming; it is inevitable. But when it arrives, no one will be able to use the excuse that they weren’t warned.